From Our Host

Dear Beloved in Christ,

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, I extend my heartfelt greetings to you, carrying the echoes of the transformative experience we shared at the 24th Annual World Revival Conference in 2023. In the symphony of God's Glory and power, we witnessed a divine outpouring that shattered the boundaries of the ordinary and ushered in an era of unprecedented miracles and supernatural manifestations. Reflecting on the journey of our church since December 2011, it is awe-inspiring to recount the countless signs, wonders, and mighty miracles that have unfolded in our midst. The blind have seen, the deaf have heard, the lame have walked, and the dead have been raised. Barrenness has given way to the birth of miracle babies, and the grip of diseases like HIV AIDS has been broken. Tumors have vanished, and the paralyzed have been set free. God's glory has radiated through us, touching lives in ways unimaginable.

​Since 1999, a profound message from the Lord bestowed upon me( Ap. Aloysious Kiiza) a unique anointing to release people’s visions, callings, giftings, and ministries. Since that sacred encounter, great men and women have been unshared into their callings and now creating impact.

Join me as a father in the Homecoming of all my Sons and Daughters all over the globe who will be gathering in this years conference to celebrate God's encounter.

​As we journey through 2024, we find ourselves amidst a great time of transformation and reformation. The church is awakening to its identity, walking boldly in the fullness of the image of God. A supernatural life of dominion without limitations is our inheritance, and we declare it with resounding glory! At the onset of 2020, the Lord spoke prophetically of a Kairos moment—a divine intersection of time—for the manifestation of increased dimensions of His greater glory. We are on the verge of experiencing unparalleled supernatural miracles, signs, and wonders that will etch a new chapter in the history of the church. The time has come for the church to exert influence, shaping the course of events on earth, and steering the destinies of nations. Hallelujah!

​The 2024 AWRC conference is an international and interdenominational gathering—a fountain of revival, a deep well of total transformation, and a catalyst for reformation. It is a clarion call for revolution and a complete turnaround of your life and destiny. Kabale, an ancient well of revival, is being opened anew. Just as in the 1930s, when the fires of God fell on these hills and spread globally during the East African Revival, we anticipate a fresh outpouring of God's glory. As we cry out to Him in unity, the floodgates of heaven will open, releasing His glorious power and revival fire to every corner of every village, city, and nation.

If you have been praying for God to use you, yearning to walk in His supernatural power, and desiring to carry the weight of His glory—to do the greatest exploits for Him and impact your generation—this conference is tailor-made for you. Plan now to be there. I am already in prayer, anticipating your divine encounter and breakthrough. Together, let us continue to meet at the intersection of faith and expectation, ready to witness the unfolding of God's mighty hand in 2024.

Yours in Christ's Love,

Bishop Aloysious Kiiza & Pastor Margaret Kiiza